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Tricks to Extend the Lifespan of Your Windows

Buying new windows for your home is a major purchase. Luckily though, it isn't something that needs to be done often. However, few people realize that there are a few tips and tricks that can help you extend the lifespan of your new windows. My husband and I recently bought new windows and I wanted to make sure I got the most out of them, which is how I came across these tricks. I spent a lot of time researching and learning about them, so I decided to create a website to help others who may be looking for the same information. I hope this helps you.

Tricks to Extend the Lifespan of Your Windows

    Replacing Old Windows With Custom-Made Windows That Match Your Home

    Replacing old windows in a historic home can be problematic because they are often a different size and design than modern windows. Working with custom window services to create the windows you need may be the only option you have, and the process can be somewhat challenging. Regulations For New Windows If you are working on an older home classified as historic, you may find that you must replace the windows in a way that leaves the house looking the same as it did with the old glass in place.

    4 Reasons to Go With Vinyl Replacement Windows

    As you ponder how what windows to put in your home when you replace your old windows, you should seriously consider installing vinyl replacement windows. Vinyl windows offer many advantages over other window options that make them a top replacement window choice. #1: They're Energy Efficient Heating your home up to the point where it feels comfortable can be an expensive endeavor, which is why you want to take every step you can take to increase the energy efficiency of your home.

    Ways To Add Character To Your Home When You Replace Your Windows

    Many homeowners, when they replace their windows, simply replace them "in kind." This means all of the windows are left the same size, in the same place, and the replacement windows used look basically like the old ones. There is nothing wrong with this approach, exactly, but it is a bit limiting. If you want to change the look of your home and add some character, window replacement gives you a chance to do that.

    What To Consider When Selecting Residential Windows

    If you are in the process of selecting new windows for your home, you know that there is a lot more to decide on than how the windows look. Here are some things to consider when making your final selection between these window types and properties. Aluminum Frame Windows Many homeowners end up selecting aluminum frame windows because they are an inexpensive replacement option. However, the frame is not the most energy-efficient option available due to how the metal frame conducts heat.

    3 Important Signs You Need To Upgrade Your Windows

    Your windows are not something you need to upgrade on a regular basis. However, every few decades, your windows could use an upgrade. When it is time to upgrade, there will be some clear signs that something is amiss with your windows. Sign #1: Too Much Outside Noise When your windows are closed, your home shouldn't be completely silent, but most outside noise should be significantly muffled. If you feel like your next-door-neighbor is running the lawnmower right next to your head, or if you feel like you can hear each time your neighbor starts up their car, your windows may not be reducing sound enough to make your home a comfortable environment.

    Interior Design And Window Blinds: 4 Tips To Create Window Treatment Style That Works With Indoor Spaces

    Often, window treatments like blinds can be affordable, practical, and attractive window treatments for your home. When you get ready to install window treatments like blinds, you will want to make sure that they fit into the interior design scheme of your home. The following tips will help you with choosing window blinds that work well with the interior design styles in your home. 1. Colonial Style Wood Blinds That Give Your Home an Elegant and Traditional Look

    4 Reasons To Install A Slab Door In Your Home

    When you need to purchase a door for the interior of your home, you can purchase either a pre-hung door or a slab door. Slab doors are very basic doors that don't come with all the other door parts, such as frames, doorknobs, or hinges. Pre-hung doors come with the entire package; they have all the parts needed to install and hang up the door. There are four different reasons why installing a slab door makes sense. 

    How To Keep The Sun's Glare Out Of Your House

    You want your house to be a comfortable, pleasant place to relax. Depending on the placement of your windows, you may have to contend with unpleasant glare from the sun. This may not be a problem on weekdays if you typically get home after the sun has already set, but it can put a big damper on your weekend relaxation. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to minimize the glare from the afternoon sun.